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Save the Bees!

While pollinators enjoy an abundance of nectar and pollen during the Spring season, starting in July and through the fall and winter, honeybees experience a shortage of nectar-producing flora in the piedmont area of North Carolina, which can be detrimental to the colony's health. 

You can make a difference by supporting our efforts to keep the bees fed year round!

Field of Dreams Annual Pollinator Plants

This project funds the materials needed to sow a 1-acre field of pollinator crops multiple times throughout the year, which provide nectar and pollen for honeybees and native pollinators during seasons of dearth.

Plant a Tree or Shrub for Pollinators 

This project funds the establishment of trees and shrubs that provide food for honeybees and native pollinators throughout the year. 

Make a donation to feed the bees!

Honey bees and other pollinators struggle to find enough food at different times throughout the year. If we can collect money for seeds or saplings, soil amendments, and equipment maintenance, we can plant annual crops such as red clover, sunflower, and buckwheat and pollinator-friendly trees such as tulip poplar, Eastern redbud, and locust to keep a source of nectar and pollen available year round.

Choose a one time gift or a recurring monthly gift

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Please let us know how to use your gift!

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